Your Eyes: A window to your health

Your Eyes: A window to your health

Many of you will have heard the popular proverb – Our eyes are a window to our soul

Intuitively we know that our eyes are capable of communication at a much deeper level than verbal communication allows. The beautiful complexity of the human eye means that it is a looking glass to our soul just as much as it is a barometer for our overall health.

When it comes to our well-being, many ophthalmologists would agree that the eyes are a window to the health of our body and it is through examining the eyes that many underlying illnesses can be spotted early on.

Nowadays, our eyes are under more strain than ever before with accelerating demands for our attention and the cumulative effects of living in an information-rich, technology-driven era. Often times sore, blurry and red eyes are shrugged off due to so much time spent on the computer, working long hours and looking at screens all day.

But tired eyes may well be indicating a more serious underlying health problem and we strongly recommend that if you haven’t done so already – now is the time to book in for an eye test.

What can an eye examination show?

Using a variety of highly developed screening methods, your ophthalmologist can see all sorts; including brain tissue, nerves and blood vessels – they can even see the tiny red blood cells as they zip through the capillaries!

This means that they can spot all sorts of health imbalances including:

  • Nutritional deficits
  • Vitamin B complex deficiencies
  • Evidence of stress (which can cause the eye to leak fluid)
  • Inflammation in the body
  • Heart disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes

Here at Infinity Eye Clinic we offer a highly professional service to suit you. With superb screening facilities and a 100% satisfaction guarantee – there’s really no reason not to! Pick up the phone or book via the website.